Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Cake I Have Been Waiting For!!!

I am the mother of 3 beautiful little girls and ,no matter how much I resisted and despised the whole girlie stuff, I have fallen in love with the whole princess thing. I was finally given the opportunity to make a princess castle cake. My cousin's daughter is turning 8 and her party is on Saturday. With her moms permission I went with the princess theme, as the birthday girl is quite the girlie type. I had a blast making this cake. It took a lot of work and attention to detail. If I had more time I would probably be putting even more detail in here and there, however, I have another cake to get done by Saturday. Initially, my plan was to do the princess in a 2D fashion. Then, as I was shaping the towers I had the lightbulb go off, "Why not cut out that window and make the princess 3D?" So, I did. I am super happy with the results and I hope you all are as well.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Go Patriots!

Sorry For the Delay...But I Am Back!!! The last cake I made for my own enjoyment, did not turn out how I anticipated (At least not esthetically). However, the cake for my brothers birthday is due today. It was challenging but really fun. I tell you what, I had to get really creative in figuring out a way to make things as accurate as possible with the logo and the little details. But, in the end I am pleased with it and can't wait to see the look on Malcolms face. The biggest Patriots fanatic in the world, I am sure, will love it. Which is all that matters, Right?

Monday, February 15, 2010


So, I have my first paying order for a cake!!! YAY!!! I am super excited, even if it is someone from my circle. I can't wait! The cake is due for a party on March 5th. It is for my brother. I can't wait to get the details on theme and color so that I can start getting creative thoughts rolling. Everyone wish me luck!!! And, as usual, keep posted because pix will be coming soon.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Merlin!

I promised my oldest daughter that I would make a Birthday cake for the dog. Merlin turned 2 today and since I have been making cakes I am, apparently, obligated to make one for the dog as well. Go figure! So, I went with the dog house. He has his bowl of food, pile of bones and even a hot pile of "you know what" in the back. As I tried my hardest to take a decent picture of the cake with the girls, I failed miserably. You try getting 3 girls of all different ages to look and smile all at the same time. The best I could do was ask, "Who wants cake?" with focus and a smile from the 2 oldest. But, as you can see, the baby was just too fascinated with the poop to pay me any attention. Does she look confused that there is poop on the cake or just like she wants to eat it ASAP?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Present Cake #2

So, I just finished another cake. My friend's daughter is a having a birthday tomorrow and she requested a present cake. She was at the party with the last cake and wanted one like it but for a girl. I chose pink and green simply because i was having a hell of a time getting my fondant to dye brown. So, instead of pink and brown I had to improvise and go with green. I also made a last minute decision on the ribbon of the bow. I really didn't like how they turned out so I made fresh ribbons that layed flat as opposed to the ones you see in the progression pics. I was up until 2am last night getting the baking and layering done. I was probably delirious because I completely forgot to take pix of the layering process. But, this morning when I was back into my right mind, I remembered in time to document the fondant transformation. So, those pictures are at the end of the post. I am having a great time building my portfolio and getting some free babysitting in the process...I love it! I have three girls and a night alone is unheard of. However, my payment for this cake was a night of babysitting; the only reason I was able to logically work until 2am. It was nice but very strange and unusual. So, my dog's birthday is on Friday and as per a request from my daughter I will be making a birthday cake for him tomorrow...So, check back in by Friday for the next addition.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My First Fondant!

So, I am almost out of my store bought fondant and have a cake to make in a couple of days so I tried out the fondant recipe I have. was very messy and smooshy...and almost annoying until, of course, it started to form and harden into fondant and not just a big pile of melted mess. It was so quick too! I can't believe they actually charge as much as they do for the packaged fondant...what a rip off!!! Never again will they get me to buy it pre-made...however, the people who make those disposable latex gloves can definitely get some of my money!!! LOL

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Present Cake Was a Hit!

I am sooooo excited I want to scream. The celebration was fun and my cake was a hit, even with my picky eater relatives. I have 3 cakes that are being requested and many more people that are interested. I very well may make a living at this yet!!! I had such a good time making this cake and I am so excited to make the next. The next order is due this Thursday coming up. As requested by my follower and Chef of my Foundations class at culinary school, I will post pictures of the different stages of production. It should be fun. I get to make the Present Cake again, but girl colors this time. I am so very pumped to make cake after cake. I think the time has come to truly price out my supplies, get together a pricing list and make some cards!!! Everyone wish me luck and check back by Thursday for the next cake.